Historical District

Amagansett Historical Sites

1. MISS AMELIA'S COTTAGE - Built in 1725, this cottage stands on the property owned by the founders of Amagansett, Abraham and Jacob Schellinger. Located on Main Street, it houses a museum with Colonial furnishings and a rare Dominy clock. On the rear of the property is the Roy K. Lester Carriage Museum. Both museums are operated by the Amagansett Historical Association.

2. EAST HAMPTON TOWN MARINE MUSEUM - Perched overlooking the ocean on Bluff Road in Amagansett, the Marine Museum depicts the history of whaling and fishing on Eastern Long Island. Extensive exhibits feature whaling artifacts donated by local families and dioramas of the various fishing techniques unique to this area. Outside, children can even climb on the "jungle-gym" trawler. Programs at this museum are administered by the East Hampton Historical Society.

Village Historical District

1. TOWN POND - Once a watering place for East Hampton's cattle, today it is an integral part of the East Hampton Historic District.

2. SOUTH END CEMETERY - Adjacent to the Town Pond, this cemetery once formed the church yard for East Hampton's first meeting house which stood on the north side. The oldest burying ground in the Town of East Hampton, it contains tombstones dating back to the 17th century.

3. THE VILLAGE GREEN - The Common, where village cattle once grazed, originally stretched from the edge of Town Pond to the Hook Mill Green. A cart track on one side of the green was the principal highway through town. Picket fences in the front of the Main Street houses kept cattle from straying. The Green was paved in the business district in the the early 1900's. The lower portion was kept intact, and today forms the center of East Hampton's Historic District.

4. THE FLAG POLE - The Liberty Pole was originally located in front of the Huntting Inn in the 18th century. When the green on which it stood was paved in the early 1900's, the flag pole was moved to the east end of the present Village Green.


6. MULFORD FARM - For three centuries this house was the center of a working farm. In the late 1940's the house was saved from destruction and given to the East Hampton Historical Society. Open during the summer months, the Mulford Farm's house and barn offer visitors a fascinating glimpse into the past of East Hampton.

7. Guild Hall - A gift of Mrs. Lorenzo P. Woodhouse to East Hampton, Guild Hall opened in 1932 and is an outstanding art museum and well respected theatrical house. The building contains the famous John Drew Theater, three art galleries, the museum's art collections and gardens. It receives over 80,000 visitors each year. 324-0806.

8. EAST HAMPTON LIBRARY - Founded in 1897, the East Hampton Library moved to its present location at the corner of Main Street and Buell Lane in 1912, on land donated by Mary Lorenzo Woodhouse. The original building was built with money donated by the Woodhouses. The Library has had 7 building projects through the years to meet the needs of the residents all which were paid for by private donations. The Library offers many services, all of which are free and available for residents of all ages. Services include certified Librarians providing research assistance, educational programs, Internet access, database subscriptions, a collection of more than 100,000 items and much more. The Long Island Collection of the Library offers researchers, genealogists and residents a wealth of material on early East Hampton history. www.easthamptonlibrary.org 324-0222

9. CLINTON ACADEMY - Built in 1784, it was the first chartered secondary school in New York State. Now under the direction of the East Hampton Historical Society, it is used for exhibitions, lectures and other activities.

10. TOWN HOUSE - Build in 1731, this small building originally stood opposite the present Presbyterian Church on Main Street. It has served as a schoolhouse, a Town Hall and even a jail and is owned by the East Hampton Historical Society.

11. OSBORN-JACKSON HOUSE - This Colonial house, built in 1740, is the East Hampton Historical Society's administrative headquarters.

12. HOOK MILL - Built by Nathaniel Dominy IV in 1806, it incorporates the original main post of the 1736 Hook Mill. This picturesque mill is kept in working order by the Village of East Hampton. A marvel of wood technology, the mill is open to the public for tours during the summer months.