Government Advocacy


The Chamber believes that all sectors of a community working together responsibly creates the best economy. In order to better serve our Chamber members and represent their best interest. We at the Chamber work to develop and maintain an active relationship with village/town/county/state/federal officials to have all concerns or questions heard and addressed. We offer the resources to enhance the business environment in our region by advocating for legislation that reduces business costs and supports business legislation and policy. The East Hampton Chamber of Commerce is your Business Advocate!

We do this by:

  • Monitoring legislation at the local and state level that has a potential effect on the business community

  • Actively advocating responsible legislation that protects the business community

  • Testifying before government to support legislation that will have a positive impact on the business community

  • Maintaining a presence with local and state elected officials to ensure that the voice of our membership is heard

  • Keeping our members informed on issues that impact their businesses

The Chamber provides opportunities for members to meet with elected officials through public policy meetings, and legislative receptions. Candidate forums and surveys are developed during each election cycle in order to ensure an informed Chamber membership and business community. 

We recognize that some regulation is necessary for a viable free market, but we strongly advocate that government regulation of business operations should be minimal, fair and reasonable. Our efforts get results for our members – results that impact your bottom line! 

The Chamber advocacy division addresses public policy issues with participation from the public, members and elected officials, open discussions about issues that affect the business community include: economic development, tourism, education and workforce development, energy and the environment, healthcare, and transportation & land use.

The East Hampton Chamber of Commerce is a partner of the East End Chamber Alliance. We leverage the combined voice of the 12 chambers of commerce located in The Hamptons and North Fork.